
Green Harvest Report 2022

We’re pleased to introduce the latest version of our Green Harvest report, which highlights the sustainable initiatives that our producers are undertaking. Given the widespread interest in sustainability and the growing influence it has on consumer choice, we feel it is important to help you to communicate the measures being taken by the wineries whose wines you sell. Hopefully this report will provide you with an easy-to-use resource to do just that.

As in the previous iterations of this report, the focus is not just on farming methods and the production process, but also on the wineries’ social impact. It is heartening to see so many of our partners placing such importance on employee welfare and supporting local populations; they are not just preserving the land, but preserving communities. With ten new additions and four new champions, this year’s report shows that the world of wine is not standing still, but constantly innovating in the quest for sustainability. It also shows that sustainability is not just the preserve of the small producer, but that when a sustainable approach is applied at a larger scale, the positive impact is magnified.

Click HERE to view the report.

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